About Erik Lukšić

Organizator i pokretač škole trčanja u Puli kao i niza utrka objedinjenih pod nazivom Teći Isti Piti na području klastera TZ Južne Istre (www.runeatdrink.info). Želja mi je ponuditi sugrađanima i turistima mogućnost istraživanja Pule i okolice na novi, zanimljiviji i dinamičniji način.


ISTRIADUCTION All Year | Working time: On Demand | Pay per Entrance   Enjoy the beautiful small town of Vodnjan and it's old small houses and tiny streets. We will run through the the olive groves and taste unique extra virgin Istrian olive oil. But it's not only about the tasting. We look forward to run with you and share together a beautiful Istrian sunset overlooking the Brijuni Archipelago from the terrace at the Sta. Margherita Olive Grove.   [fusion_map address="latlng=44.962696, 13.854487" type="roadmap" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" infobox="default" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2020-02-04T07:55:35+00:00By |Pets, Things to do, Vodnjan-Dignano|


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | Working time: On Demand | Pay per Entrance RUN@PULA is an innovative offer for all who wants to visit Pula by running slow or fast pace, longer or shorter distance, during the day, sunrise or in the sunset. You choose the routes you want to run in the wild nature or in the center of the city.   [fusion_map address="latlng=44.866288, 13.851147" type="roadmap" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" infobox="default" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2020-02-04T07:55:58+00:00By |Pets, Pula-Pola, Things to do|