ISTRIADUCTION November | Pay per Entrance The Pancake Festival in Pazin The Pancake Festival is an event held in Pazin, the goal of which is to celebrate one of the most beloved dishes in our culture - pancakes. This festival brings together pancake lovers of all ages, offers a wealth of different fillings and fillings, and provides an opportunity to enjoy this simple but delicious dessert in a creative and fun way. Local restaurants, caterers and street vendors present their pancake specialties, from the classic ones with chocolate and jam, to those with experimental and modern fillings, such as pancakes with fruit, cream, cheese and even savory fillings. What can you experience at the Pancake Festival? Visitors can enjoy pancakes with a wide variety of fillings  from classic Nutella, marmalade and fruit, to some more sophisticated combinations such as pancakes with cheese, nuts, caramel or even savory combinations with meat and vegetables. Creative workshops for children and adults: Workshops are often organized at festivals where visitors can learn how to prepare perfect pancakes or how to creatively decorate their dessert. Pancake-eating contests: In Pazin, fun pancake-eating contests are organized. These competitions usually attract

2024-11-25T13:12:23+00:00By |Pazin, Things to do|


ISTRIADUCTION September| Free Entrance Not far from Pazin, there is a tavern Bani on the hill above Pazin. With a view of Lindar and large parking, the place is ideal for an escape from the crowds and tasting traditional food in the heart of Istria. Before entry, you will see a large court where you can sit outside in a covered place or in a tavern inside next to the fireplace. In the offer, there is Istrian prosciutto, cheese all possible pasta from gnocchi, ravioli and pljukanci. In the end, various pancakes are offered and homemade brandy is not to be missed. Tips: They also have gluten-free and vege dishes offer. MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2024-02-13T11:39:42+00:00By |Free, Gastro, Pazin, |


ISTRIADUCTION April | All Year | Free Entrance Lake Butoniga; it is located in the center of Istria and supplies water to the entire area up to the city of Pula. This artificial lake was created in the 80's, and since it is located in the middle of the Istrian picturesque hills, it gives the surroundings a special beauty and thus creates incredibly beautiful scenes and views that leave no one indifferent. This accumulation lake was created by immersing the valley of the left tributary of the river Mirna, where its torrent tributaries Butoniga, Dragućki and Račički potok meet. Although swimming is forbidden in this lake, precisely because of the water supply, you can still enjoy a walk around the lake, climb the surrounding hills and enjoy the view of many Istrian places that look especially beautiful when viewed from a height. Choose a bright and sunny day for a walk so that you can enjoy the beautiful views of the hills and the surrounding area, and later stop in nearby Motovun for a glass of fine wine and first-class dishes with truffles. [fusion_map api_type="" embed_address="" embed_map_type="roadmap" address="latlng= 45.33009557388229, 13.925177246754172" type="roadmap" width="" height=""

2021-05-04T12:09:48+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pazin, Pets, |


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | No Working time | Free Entrance U subotu 4.2.2017. godine uputio sam se u kanjon potoka Butonige, kako bih istražio taj skriveni dragulj Istre. Potok Butoniga je poznat kao jedan od tri najveća pritoka istoimenog akumulacijskog jezera, no postoji prilično malo teksta i fotografija o njemu i to sam želio ispraviti. Nedaleko Starog grada (Zelengrada) u potok Butoniga utječe i Grdoselski potok, a područje oko Grdoselskog potoka slovi za jedinu istarsku prašumu. Oba su potoka prepuna prekrasnih slapova, a u vrijeme mog posjeta potok je obilovao vodom, što mu je dalo svu čar. U pet sati koliko sam proveo u kanjonu izmijenila su se sva četiri godišnja doba i na samom kraju sam izgubio bitku s kišnim oblacima, no ostaje veliko zadovoljstvo i oduševljenje potokom koji je urezao svoje korito u kamen i oblikovao prava mala remek dijela. Na području oko nekadašnjeg Zelengrada postojalo je čak 10 mlinova, a ostatke njih četiri sam pronašao prilikom ovog foto istraživanja. Područje Grdosela i Butonige je od iznimne povijesne vrijednosti i u istraživanje prirodnih ljepota te povijesti ovog kraja ću zasigurno uložiti još dosta vremena, a isto preporučam i vama, jer ovo je

2022-02-23T11:52:07+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pazin, Pets|


ISTRIADUCTION All Year | No Working time | Free Entrance My father’s village above Pazin is a beautiful and peaceful place called Lindar. If you drive around Pazin and you want to see that little place just follow the bell tower at the hilltop above the Pazin. Bell tower was named by Catholic priest St. Mohor and Fortunato and it is situated in the middle of the fort that used to protect the Pazin Castle. Books said that in Lindar 47 soldiers and Captain Lazarić brought Istria back under the Austrian rule when he attacked the French army beneath Lindar and forced it to flee to Pazin. The altitude of the central part of Lindar ranges from 454 meters above sea level with its solid walls, stone houses, towers, churches and plots of the land surrounding the fort. Also, there is an old Catholic church St. Catherine built in 1392. Famous church and cultural legacy of Lindar with Glagolitic inscription on the fresco of the “Živi Križ – Living Kross“. The fresco was painted in 1409. and present the Crucifixion scene, where the arms of the cross transform into four lifelike hands. On the wall,

2019-10-12T14:03:53+00:00By |Free, Pazin, Pets, Sights, |


ISTRIADUCTION Zarečki krov (Zarečje’s roof) has been a heaven on earth in the middle of Istria just 4 km away from town Pazin. This unexplored nature of Istria represents the connection between animals, people, and nature. To see that unique treasure you can pass through Pazin city and turn right when you see table Zarečje and follow the local road to table Zarečki krov. Take a 3-minute walk on the path through the forest to river Pazinčica. There in front of Pazinčica river, we found a beautiful white horse with a friendly smile, families made BBQ and relax by the waterfall. The waterfall height is more than 10m and one of the largest waterfalls in Istria. Pazinčica river is ideal for people to take a swim, to go fishing or just enjoy when you having fun with friends on a picnic. Tips: Try to take an adrenaline walk across the river to the other side of Zarečki krov but don’t get wet. Also, you can go inside the cave to see how the river flows above your head.

2022-03-03T07:09:51+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pazin, Pets|