Istriago Quality Control (QC).

This guide offers a review of images (or photos) fail quality control.

If you have any questions regarding QC do not hesitate to contact us.

Below we have listed QC failure reasons and we hope it will help you to spot this issue with your images.


Camera Shake – camera moved when the photo was taken. Image is blurred or soft.

Out of focus – no point of focus or out of focus.

Orientation – make sure you images are the right way up

Photo Horizon – watch for the horizon line.

Unsuitable material – photos which contain any theme which is not within Istriago.net theme or infringements of right of any third part.

Size – size of image, max. 5mb.

Excessive similar – images which are the same, same composition or slightly difference.

Lacking definition – soft or lacking definition.

Poor exposure – Flat or washed out.

Over manipulated – too much Photoshop.

Noticeable retouching – retouching images can be seen.

Excessive sharpening

Colour cast

Dust, scratches or sensor dust.


Need a help? Get in touch with Istriago.