ISTRIADUCTION Ožujak | Free Entrance Konoba Feral and Fažana TAVERN FERAL - FISH AND SEAFOOD OFFER IN FAŽANA. Konoba Feral is a tavern in the very center of Fažana on the road towards the coast where there are parking lots where you can park your car. Arriving in Fažana offers various attractions that can be visited in addition to going to the tavern. Take a walk along the coast and enjoy the view of the Adriatic Sea, smell various smells from restaurants along the coast and taste delicious seafood delicacies. One of the activities when you are already in Fažana is to take a trip to the Brijuni National Park, which is located not far from Fažana. They stand out for their lush vegetation, ancient ruins and exotic fauna. Visit Brijuni Safari Park, home to zebras, llamas and other animals from all over the world. Explore the island's archaeological sites, including Roman villas and Byzantine forts. You can do all the activities after you've had a nice meal at the Feral tavern, which is just a few steps from where the boat leaves for Brijuni. The sardine is a symbol and gastronomic offer

2024-07-29T11:29:17+00:00By |Fažana-Fasana, Gastro|


ISTRIADUCTION February | Pay per Entrance Aquarium Pula is a beautiful attraction located in the tourist part of the town of Pula, Verudela. On arrival, we came across a parking lot for both cars and bicycles. The Aquarium is located in the old Austro-Hungarian fortress, which is more than 130 years old, thus bringing together the sea and military history of the city of Pula. The fort itself was created on several floors with a scout at the very top where you can see the Pješčana Uvala, Fratarski island, and the whole part around the fort. At the entrance, there is a fan shop where you can buy souvenirs or other products related to the sea, Pula, and the aquarium. Upon entering we came across several outdoor pools containing crabs and colorful sea fish. The aquarium itself has a concept that covers not only the Adriatic Sea but also other water experiences. Get to know the aquatic world of the Mediterranean, the Adriatic, tropical beauties and, in addition to salt, they also have freshwater content along the North Sea. The efforts that the employees of Aquarium Pula contribute to the maintenance and development

2024-02-13T11:36:40+00:00By |Pets, Pula-Pola, Things to do, |


ISTRIADUCTION From October to March | No Working time | Free (Licence)   Some people still do not believe that they can catch squid from the shore. To begin, we came to the shore before sunset to prepare for the period when squid is active. We made a selection of our huge range of squid jig. From the range of colors, we chose the red jig in the hope that it will be a winning jig. Generally, jigs start at 2.2 and go to 4.0. You can buy smaller and much larger sizes but for targeting squids these sizes are best for us and that’s what you will find at the local tackle store. These numbers reflect length not weight, however, you can use common sense and understand that a 4.0 jig will sink faster than a 2.5. So choose jigs based on the water depth you’re fishing. We used a rod, a reel, squid jig and after a few launches here is our first Adriatic squid. After we had somehow drawn to the shore and taken off the jig, we repeated the same procedure. The domestic squid is really a truly delicious morsel and

2022-12-12T11:15:42+00:00By |Pets, Pula-Pola, Things to do|


ISTRIADUCTION All Year| No Working Time | Free Entrance The only ornithological reserve Palud was connected to the sea in 1906 by digging a channel with the hope that the increased salinity of water would stop the development malaria. They didn't suppress malaria but they manage to build a new home for  many animals, from birds to snakes. If you like birds, that is the place you should go and visit. Good luck in birdwatching! [fusion_map address="latlng=45.032524, 13.698158" type="roadmap" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" infobox="default" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2020-05-12T08:21:10+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pets, Rovinj-Rovigno|