ISTRIADUCTION  In September | Working time: 11.00 - 24h | Pay per Entrance Fešta od fruti (Fruit Festival) is held in the place called Kaldir, near Motovun, at the end of September. At festival visitors can taste many fruit based sweets made by valuable members of the Kaldir Association, as well as buy products from local producers. This manifestation is the crown of the Kaldir's Fruit Market, held every other Sunday during the summer, where seasonal, freshly harvested fruits can be purchased. This year, the 11th Fruit Festival, Kaldir, takes place on Sunday, 29.9.2019. In Kaldir you can: Buy fresh homemade fruits and fruit products. Taste homemade marmalade, pancakes, applesauce, apples in beer dough and gnocchi with plums, but also fuži and pljukanci with stew. The program starts at 11am. You'll be entertained by the singers of Mali veliki mikrofon, the Bambus Band, the Malvazija Band and host Meri Simičić Beato. The program takes place under a tent and free shuttle service is provided from the parking lot to the festival. Adult ticket is 10,00 kn. This Sunday everyone are welcome in Kaldir at FEŠTA OF FRUTI!

2022-03-22T19:10:16+00:00By |Gastro, Motovun-Montona, Pets, |


ISTRIADUCTION August - September | No Working time | Fishing Licence Along the southwestern coast, you can go hunting for bluefish. These active fish love the surface bait, so you need a rod, active hand and can be started. First of all, you need to make sure that you have strong lines because of sharp teeth that cut nylon. The resolution is the wire or very thick nylon. We picked up the location and set off with our equipment on our adventure and fishing stunts. Along with the classic equipment we also took old shoes to go in the water because of the very shallow water. After a few simulations of fish with our rod, we could see the bluefish tracking and after a few minutes, there goes the action. First of all, we saw the other fish coming out of the water because the fish was followed by the bluefish. And after a couple of seconds kick on our rod and it is time for action. It is necessary to make sure that the bluefish remain on the hook and it is not easy. After a few minutes of fighting the bluefish

2022-03-11T13:27:32+00:00By |Fažana-Fasana, Pets, Things to do|


ISTRIADUCTION From October to March | No Working time | Free (Licence)   Some people still do not believe that they can catch squid from the shore. To begin, we came to the shore before sunset to prepare for the period when squid is active. We made a selection of our huge range of squid jig. From the range of colors, we chose the red jig in the hope that it will be a winning jig. Generally, jigs start at 2.2 and go to 4.0. You can buy smaller and much larger sizes but for targeting squids these sizes are best for us and that’s what you will find at the local tackle store. These numbers reflect length not weight, however, you can use common sense and understand that a 4.0 jig will sink faster than a 2.5. So choose jigs based on the water depth you’re fishing. We used a rod, a reel, squid jig and after a few launches here is our first Adriatic squid. After we had somehow drawn to the shore and taken off the jig, we repeated the same procedure. The domestic squid is really a truly delicious morsel and

2022-12-12T11:15:42+00:00By |Pets, Pula-Pola, Things to do|