ISTRIADUCTION In August| Weekend | Pay per Entrance Petrapilos Castle Driving along the valley of the river Mirna in the direction of Buzet, turn into the accommodation of Žonti, where at the end of a narrow asphalt road you will be greeted by a thousand-year-old medieval fortress on a cliff above the valley of the river Bračana. After many years of renovation, the Pitrapilos Castle has reopened its doors to visitors ... Doors that open after buying tickets for 30 kuna .... Upon entering the space in front of the fort there is an interactive screen on which you can inform about the castle itself ... The journey into the past begins with the inscriptions of Peter Pilos, Petrapilos, Druvina, Rauenstein, ... Inside the castle you will be greeted by a knight in armor and greeted with the words - Welcome dear friend. I greet you at Petrapilos Castle! Exploring the interior and stretching the stairs that consist and look complete the experience of the castle, you reach the top of a twenty-meter high lookout tower with which you can see Sovinjak, the top of the bell tower on Zrenj, the valley of

2020-12-26T17:31:42+00:00By |Buzet, Pets, Sights|


ISTRIADUCTION  June-Sempteber | Working time: 10.00 - 20.00h July, August: 10.00 - 22.00 | Pay per Entrance We visited the underground tunnel in the center of Pula, Zerostrasse. These amazing underground tunnels were made during the WW1 to provide a shelter for people in case of air raids. We saw the galleries and passages with the temperature during the whole year varies from 14 to 18°C. They told us that these tunnels, with their 3 to 6 meters wide and approximately 2.5 meters tall passageways, could accommodate about 6000 persons. Tips: Inside of the tunnels the floor was dirty because of the moisture and maybe you will get wet on your feet. [fusion_map api_type="" embed_address="" embed_map_type="roadmap" address="latlng=44.870783, 13.847344" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" static_map_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" icon_static="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2019-10-12T12:36:38+00:00By |Pets, Pula-Pola, Sights, |


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | No Working time | Entry Free Blaz was  during Roman Empire important route connecting Pula with Rijeka. There was also ferry to Trget, but unfortunately no remain could be found. In Blaz there where many mills who are build with sea level, which is really rear to see. Remaining's of mills you can see today. Blaz was also known for water source.  People from around villages come to Blaz for water. Nowadays, Blaz is uninhabited, but know to nature lovers. [fusion_map api_type="" embed_address="" embed_map_type="roadmap" address="latlng=45.005224, 14.039349 " type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" static_map_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" icon_static="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2022-03-10T08:57:35+00:00By |Barban, Free, Nature, Pets, Things to do|


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | No Working time| Free Entrance The Verudela Art Park  project is between Ambrela beach and parking lot at the entrance to Verudela. This art works  are the open-air installations of the following 7 artists : Eros Čakić, academic sculptor, Pula Gualtiero and Simone Mocenni, sculptors, Pula and Milan Robert Pauletta, academic  painter, Pula Vedran Šilipetar, academic sculptor and painter, Pula Roberta Weissman Nagy, academic sculptor, Fažana Bojan Šumonja, academic sculptor Pula Siniša Majkus, academic sculptor, Matulji Tips:   The park leaves the best impression at night because of the light installation. [fusion_map api_type="" embed_address="" embed_map_type="roadmap" address="latlng=44.838911, 13.832683" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" static_map_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" icon_static="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2024-02-13T13:07:31+00:00By |Free, Pets, Pula-Pola, Sights, |


ISTRIADUCTION  October | Working time:  Weekend Event | Free Entrance October in Oprtalj is dedicated to Kestenijada. The first manifestation of this kind in Istria offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy this typical autumn fruit growing in the forests of the Oprtalj region. The event takes place in Oprtalj, in four differently different locations but interrelated with the theme of chestnut and riches of autumn fruit. On the square at the parish church pastry and pastry-bakery trades will present the sweet side of gastronomic offer on chestnut basis. Pastry workshops are also organized for all interested parties. At the same location, its products will be presented by producers of agricultural products from Oprtalj Municipality. There are two already traditional exhibitions, hunting trophies and mushrooms, and exhibition of works by participants of a small art colony. On the square at Lođe you can taste salty chestnut based dishes as well as mushroom and game boilers prepared in front of visitors. Raw and roasted chestnuts will be prepared and sold on several locations, along with a large bakery on the square in Lođe. [fusion_map address="latlng=45.38170001674321,13.823513763675578" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default"

2019-10-30T07:13:14+00:00By |Free, Oprtalj-Portole, Pets, Things to do, |


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | Working time: 0-24h | Free Entrance Roč was established in prehistoric times as a settlement. The fortification was built in the Middle Ages and was mentioned for the first time in a written document in 1064. From the 12th to 15th century Roč developed into an urban settlement. Until 20th century Roč was one of the most important Croatian literacy, printing and publishing centres-based on the oldest Croatian alphabet, called „glagoljica“. In Roč the first Croatian printed book Milas from 1483 was prepared for printing according Duke Novaks Missla from 1368, which has kept in Nugla at that time. Hence, in Roč Tourist office there is a replica of Gutenbergs printing press. [fusion_map address="latlng=45.39355920185182,14.046684358947004" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2019-10-30T07:14:38+00:00By |Buzet, Free, Pets, Sights, |


ISTRIADUCTION All Year | Working time: 07-22h | Free Entrance The Pula Market is a true construction miracle and one of the most beautiful examples of the Secession architecture. It was built with new materials, iron and glass. Its original function has been retained. Following the erection of the Pula Arsenal in the mid 19th century, a fast and numerous construction of various structures began. The Pula market was erected at the time, a true construction miracle and one of the most beautiful examples of the Secession. Located in the centre of Pula, the erection of the indoor part of the market began in 1902. It was officially opened on 18 October 1903. Modern materials such as iron and glass were used for the first time in the construction of the Pula market. The walls of this unique Secession structure consist of almost exclusively semi-circular constructive iron bearers manufactured in the Witkovice Ironworks, and glass surfaces, naturally. The ground- and first floor premises were spacious and functional. The fishmonger's was on one side of its ground floor, while the ice-storage was placed on the other. Fruit and vegetables were sold on the first floor, which

2019-11-12T11:50:37+00:00By |Free, Pets, Pula-Pola, Sights, |


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | No Working time | Free Entrance   Do you know where is Nezakcij? No? Well, it is time to visit and learn something interesting about that little historical place who is located in southern Istria, between the village of Muntić and Valtura, east of Pula. Nezakcij (lat. Nesactium) was an important town in the Istrian history. It was the capital of Histri's tribe. At present this locality represents an archaeological park featuring conserved architectonic remains from the Roman and Late Roman periods. The discovered urns and other objects that were placed into graves as offerings point to several layers of habitation and interment in the period from the 11th century BC until the Roman conquest. Local Histrian goods and luxurious imported items connect Nesactium and Histrian culture, whose center the former represented, with cultures from almost the entire area of the Mediterranean and Central Europe. The Romans had demolished the capital of the Histri after their siege in 177 BC and building a new town on the same location. The town survives the fall of the Roman Empire and the upcoming of the Christianity, but didn't resist the babraric

2020-02-04T07:29:39+00:00By |Free, Ližnjan-Lisignano, Pets, Sights|


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | Working time: 0-24h | Free Entrance   In the northern part of Istria, overlooking the Mirna River valley, lies surely the most famous and attractive Istrian medieval town of Motovun-Montona. This captivating hilltop town is one of the characteristic symbols of the Istrian interior. Motovun is a perfect sight from every angle, but I had great luck to capture Motovun behind the beautiful rainbow. Motovun has most visitors during cloudy and rainy days so try your luck and maybe you'll get oportunity to capture this magnificent natural phenomenon. For now you can enjoy it from my perspective through these photos.   MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2022-03-22T19:18:03+00:00By |Free, Motovun-Montona, Nature, Pets, |


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | Working time: 9-21h | Free Entrance   Walk through Poreč and discover its historic center and find its countless small streets. First, we saw a beautiful couple on the bench. <3 love is in the air<3. After we came to the square in the historic streets of the city, we saw the tower of the alley and headed for the Euphrasian Basilica. Beautiful Basilica is one of the best-preserved monuments of early Byzantine art in the Mediterranean. Entering the basilica you can see the historical remains built in the 6th century on the site of an early Christian church, in the time of Bishop Euphrasius and Byzantine Emperor Justinian I.. From 1997, it’s on the UNESCO’s list of world heritage sites. Tips: Try to found a local guide like we had to explore good gastro offer in town. MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2022-02-23T12:01:15+00:00By |Free, Pets, Poreč-Parenzo, Sights, |