ISTRIADUCTION  In October | Working time: 12-20h | Free Entrance THE FESTIVAL OF TERAN WINE AND TRUFFLES | Single-day hedonistic exhibition that has been held for the last 7 years in the heart of teran&truffle country in Croatia, in a lovely picturesque Istrian town called Motovun. The festival includes the public tasting of almost all of the teran wines produced in and around Motovun, and usually around 20 producers join the tasting and the competition in which the best teran of the festival is chosen. The Festival also exhibits truffles and the biggest, which can grow as heavy as 500 grams, is awarded the title "Veli Jože". The Festival takes place in October, this year's date is October 21st. Check the date in your calendar and till then enjoy festival photos.   MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2022-03-22T19:13:56+00:00By |Free, Motovun-Montona, Pets, Things to do|


ISTRIADUCTION  In April | Working time: 8-20h | Pay per Entrance Every Easter Monday picturesque town Gračišće hosts wine tasting festival. Gračišće is a small historical town situated in Central Istria. Area of Gračišće was always known for its wine. This event offers good wine, quality wine producers, traditional food and cultural heritage of this small but very attractive city. At entrance, you can buy drinking glass for a wine tasting or just festival bracelet (without drinking glass you can’t enter in the wine cellar). With drinking glass, you can go through town and visit wine cellars and taste delicious, quality wines as many times as you want. There you can find people dancing and singing on local music, various gastro offer of traditional Istrian prosciutto, truffles, and cheeses. Tips: Take a wine cellar guide and try to check all wine cellar. Also, we recommend that you should buy drinking glass for wine tasting because without it you can’t enter in the wine cellar. [fusion_map address="latlng=45.219296, 14.011805" type="roadmap" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" infobox="default" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" /]

2021-03-02T13:27:24+00:00By |Gračišće, Pets, Things to do, |