ISTRIADUCTION February | All Year | Free Entrance The Sopot waterfall near Buzet in the village of Strana is known for a hole at the top of a rock from which water falls. You will often hear or read the name Copot for this waterfall, but Sopot is correct. From the top of the rock there is a view of Buzet, and for those with a more adventurous spirit there are climbing ropes. [fusion_map api_type="" embed_address="" embed_map_type="roadmap" address="latlng= 45.414847575732054, 13.996760999999998" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" static_map_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" icon_static="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2021-02-22T09:29:12+00:00By |Buzet, Free, Nature, Pets, Things to do|


ISTRIADUCTION January| Weekend | Free Entrance Butori Abyss is located right next to the road of Butori and you do not have much walking to the destination but everything is close. As soon as you leave your car, a few meters walk and it brings you to a picturesque and poetic place. You will see a small picturesque waterfall, an abyss and a lake that has a beautiful color even in winter (this shows how clean and untouched the place is). Of course, in this place there are smaller abysses and an old abandoned mill and a canal through which water comes and flows into a beautiful waterfall of 10 m. If you are looking for a quiet and safe place this is definitely a destination you must visit. The waterfall is fenced with a safe fence so you can take the kids on a day trip, and if you go alone and are an adventurer then at your own risk you cross the fence and take the best shots of this picturesque waterfall. Also, when mentioning the poetic place, I want to say that in the evening summer hours, poets gather to

2022-03-03T07:08:27+00:00By |Free, Grožnjan-Grisignana, Nature, Pets, |


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | No Working time | Free Entrance U subotu 4.2.2017. godine uputio sam se u kanjon potoka Butonige, kako bih istražio taj skriveni dragulj Istre. Potok Butoniga je poznat kao jedan od tri najveća pritoka istoimenog akumulacijskog jezera, no postoji prilično malo teksta i fotografija o njemu i to sam želio ispraviti. Nedaleko Starog grada (Zelengrada) u potok Butoniga utječe i Grdoselski potok, a područje oko Grdoselskog potoka slovi za jedinu istarsku prašumu. Oba su potoka prepuna prekrasnih slapova, a u vrijeme mog posjeta potok je obilovao vodom, što mu je dalo svu čar. U pet sati koliko sam proveo u kanjonu izmijenila su se sva četiri godišnja doba i na samom kraju sam izgubio bitku s kišnim oblacima, no ostaje veliko zadovoljstvo i oduševljenje potokom koji je urezao svoje korito u kamen i oblikovao prava mala remek dijela. Na području oko nekadašnjeg Zelengrada postojalo je čak 10 mlinova, a ostatke njih četiri sam pronašao prilikom ovog foto istraživanja. Područje Grdosela i Butonige je od iznimne povijesne vrijednosti i u istraživanje prirodnih ljepota te povijesti ovog kraja ću zasigurno uložiti još dosta vremena, a isto preporučam i vama, jer ovo je

2022-02-23T11:52:07+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pazin, Pets|


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | Working time: 0-24h | Free Entrance   SOPOT WATERFALL, BUZET | Second highest waterfall in Istria with height of 30 metres. It is located in area of village Strana near Buzet. From road Čiritež - Buzet you have to make a turn to village Strana. First you'll arrive in village Brgad, but you have to pass through it, drive around one kilometer on macadam road and when you arrive back on asphalt road you are already in village Strana and there's the first guide mark for Sopot Climbing (Penjalište Sopot in Croatian). Then you have to drive around 500 metres down the hill and shortly you'll arrive to second guide mark, with same text. There you can leave your car and you have approximately 10 minutes of walk in waterfall direction. Once you arrive to the waterfall you'll be delighted with beauty of the nature, it truly is like in paradise. The waterfall passes through the hole that water carved into the stone and the sight from down under is magnificent. The waterfall is rarely active, only during rainy periods and is also known as climbing spot. Because of its beauty, climbers named

2022-03-11T13:24:28+00:00By |Buzet, Free, Nature, Pets|


ISTRIADUCTION Zarečki krov (Zarečje’s roof) has been a heaven on earth in the middle of Istria just 4 km away from town Pazin. This unexplored nature of Istria represents the connection between animals, people, and nature. To see that unique treasure you can pass through Pazin city and turn right when you see table Zarečje and follow the local road to table Zarečki krov. Take a 3-minute walk on the path through the forest to river Pazinčica. There in front of Pazinčica river, we found a beautiful white horse with a friendly smile, families made BBQ and relax by the waterfall. The waterfall height is more than 10m and one of the largest waterfalls in Istria. Pazinčica river is ideal for people to take a swim, to go fishing or just enjoy when you having fun with friends on a picnic. Tips: Try to take an adrenaline walk across the river to the other side of Zarečki krov but don’t get wet. Also, you can go inside the cave to see how the river flows above your head.

2022-03-03T07:09:51+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pazin, Pets|