ISTRIADUCTION June | Free Entrance Konoba Bokun in Petrovija near Umag Konoba Bokun is located in Petrovija, only 4 km from Umag. Konoba Bokun is an ideal tavern for all those who want to spend them in the beautiful surroundings of a green garden and meadow with a children's playground. Konoba bokun brings a combination of a beautiful environment and fine food, which offers both a barbecue meat and fish menu. Outside and inside the Tavern Bokun In front of the tavern, there is free parking that leads to a beautiful lawn with olives where you can sit in the shadow or on the covered terrace next to the tavern. One of the appreciated things why children love this tavern is that there is a meadow with swings inside the tavern. Fish and meat menu with BBQ in front of you The tavern offers various dishes of pasta ravioli, gnocchi with meat or fish sauce. The offer includes grilled fish from perfect monkfish to shrimp or prawns. We recommend fresh tuna tartar or fish mix, which as a cold appetizer is ideal to start socializing with food and a relaxing atmosphere. Along with

2024-07-03T09:24:20+00:00By |Gastro, Umag-Umago|


ISTRIADUCTION September | Weekend| Free Entrance Along the west coast of Istria, four kilometers from Umag is the flooded town of Sipar, to which many legends are associated. During high tides and today you can see the remains of this ancient city that springs from the sea. Sipar Castle was built probably around the year 1000, next to the already missing Siparis, when it allegedly once served as a lighthouse. At that time, nearby Umag suffered from robbers several times, and it is not excluded that the castle was built by pirates who, when they conquered Siparis, lived there and prepared for their further expeditions from here. The castle was in good condition until 1943, when the Germans demolished its upper part with artillery for strategic reasons. You can read more about Cyprus and the legend of Rosamund here: https://blagamisterije.com/ponekad-izroni-drevni-sipar-taj-potopljeni-grad-kod-umaga-kojeg-biljeze-legende-o-ljubavi-price-o -battles-and-researchers-records / 17165 /. MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2022-03-11T14:03:54+00:00By |Free, Pets, Umag-Umago|


ISTRIADUCTION  All Year | No Working time | Free Entrance According to the legend, it was built by order of the Austrian count Metternich, who fell in love with a girl from Savudrija and wanted to build a love nest there. The Lighthouse of Savudrija was built in 1818. It is the oldest Lighthouse on Adriatic sea, which is still in use. Total height 36m. Build by arhitect Pietra Nobilea in less then a year. In the vicinity of the lighthouse we can find characteristic boat lifts-grues. This is a resourceful way of lifting boats without safe mooring on wooden constructions with the help of rope and pulley. Charactericst of Savudrija is also a wooden boat with a flat bottom called batana, intended for individual coastal fishing, rowed in a standing position. [fusion_map address="latlng=45.490163487618986,13.491296768188476" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2021-03-02T13:18:00+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pets, Umag-Umago, |


ISTRIADUCTION All Year | No Working time | Free Entrance I fondali dell`odierna baia di Zambrattia sono un vero e proprio tesori archeologico. Tutti i reperti archeologici rinvenuti in mare, per effetto di mutamenti naturali avvenuti negli ultimi millenni ( innalzamento del livello del mare – trasgressione marina), in orgine si trovavano su terraferma oppure lungo la costa.I resti di un`imbarcazione protostorica sono stati rivenutti alla profondità di 2,20m sotto il mare. Si tratta di una nave con il fasciame dello scafo formato da assi di olmo tenute insieme da corde fatte passare attraverso i fori praticati sui bordi della tavole. La lunghezza conservata dello mediante radiocarbonio fa risalire l`imbarcazione protostorica di Zambrattia alla fine dell`età del bronzo. Conferendole di titolo della nave più antica di questo genere rinvenuta nell`Adriatico. [fusion_map address="latlng=45.47481743666139,13.508681778330355" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2020-01-29T09:11:47+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pets, Umag-Umago, |


ISTRIADUCTION All Year| Working time: 10-23h | Free Entrance More than 10 years of traditional Istrian cuisine. Dishes prepared according to old recipes. Rustic ambiance decorated with old-timer motorbikes, hats, instruments, wine collection and many other interesting things. Enjoy! :) MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2024-07-03T10:43:45+00:00By |Free, Gastro, Umag-Umago, |


ISTRIADUCTION  In September| Working time: 16-00h | Pay per Entrance Wine and run always start with wine and finish somehow. If you are ready to take Maraton, Half marathon or relay race combined with good atmosphere and alcohol in your veins this is the right race for you. Because this unique event is made for professional athletes but also for amateurs who for the first time want to try something similar. The race puts a special experience, fun and entertainment of competitors but at the same time, it wants to tell more about the ecological and gastronomical offer of rural Istria. While we were running along the route we visited refreshing points where we were able to taste great wines of Istrian winemakers. Also, we made little masquerade and animated by different musical entertainers. In one point we were a little bit drunk but at that point, we had the best race time. Tips: Don't drink and drive, just drink and run :) [fusion_map address="latlng=45.441177, 13.524217" type="roadmap" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" infobox="default" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" /]

2020-02-04T07:42:52+00:00By |Pets, Things to do, Umag-Umago|