ISTRIADUCTION June | Free Entrance On Tičan near Višnjan, on the night of June 21 to 22, Astrofest is held - a summer solstice festival that gathers lovers of astronomy, its mystical history, and ethno and modern music and rhythms. The summer solstice is associated with numerous customs, beliefs and legends that are particularly significant for the ancient peoples of the European continent. On this, the shortest night of the year, the visitors of the festival go back in time with a festive celebration - they send the sun off, and then stay awake to welcome its reappearance, in honor of the ancient civilizations for which the sun was a symbol of life. MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2024-02-13T10:37:26+00:00By |Free, Pets, Things to do, Višnjan-Visignano, |


ISTRIADUCTION All Year | August | Free Entrance The spring is located right at the foot of the village of Fabci (Municipality of Višnjan), and it is so old that even the oldest locals do not remember when it was arranged. This year, the municipality also set up signposts to a spring that most locals only knew about. The water in its bed is about two meters deep, and it was used, of course, for drinking, but also for washing and feeding the cattle, so it never dried up. There were also children's baths, so that one of the younger ones would not get hurt, the spring was fenced with an iron fence with a padlock. [fusion_map api_type="" embed_address="" embed_map_type="roadmap" address="latlng= 45.244210, 13.768843" type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" static_map_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" icon_static="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2021-08-07T12:51:23+00:00By |Free, Nature, Pets, Višnjan-Visignano|


ISTRIADUCTION  November | Working time: Weekend event | Pay per Entrance Internation Festival of sparkling wine is taking place in beautiful place called Visnjan. It offer geourges list of sparkling wive. It is a  great opportunity to get to know more about sparkling wine and taste it.  At the entrance you will get a glass and bottle of water. Enjoy! [fusion_map address="latlng=45.275930, 13.718409 " type="roadmap" width="" height="" zoom="10" scrollwheel="yes" scale="yes" zoom_pancontrol="yes" animation="no" popup="yes" map_style="default" overlay_color="" infobox_content="" infobox="default" infobox_text_color="" infobox_background_color="" icon="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" /] MORE ISTRIAGO COLLECTIONS

2021-03-02T13:32:22+00:00By |Things to do, Višnjan-Visignano|